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Monday, May 30, 2011

Persistence Tactics in Hypnosis: Laws of Successive Approximations & Compounding Effect

There are many different tactics you will learn to use in your conversational hypnosis. Persistence Tactics are some of the tools you will begin to combine with many other various skills and tools that will begin to draw all your learning together to create a cohesive whole to hypnosis.

When you learn to combine the four Persistence Tactics with other tactics, signal recognition, the foundations of hypnotic language and rapport skill you will be building the foundation for conversational hypnosis.

There are four Persistence Tactics; we have covered the first two tactics which are the Hypnotic Triple and Seeding Ideas. These both have to with repetition and are very powerful ways to slip ideas, thoughts and suggestions into the minds of your listeners.

The Hypnotic Triple is the art of stacking up the same word or idea to place a suggestion. If you want someone to buy something you would relentlessly use the idea of buying, say the word buy and continue to triple up the effect of that one word. The Hypnotic Triple is a great repetitive use of language that will steer your listener to your suggestion.

The second Persistence Tactic we have covered is Seeding Ideas. In this tactic you will place thoughts in the minds of your listeners through casual conversation. Each time you plant an idea you will continue to revisit it and help it to flourish to what will eventually be a full suggestion. This is a technique that will gently coax your subject into feeling comfortable with what may begin as an overwhelming suggestion.

The final two Persistence Tactics are the Laws of Successive Approximations and the Compounding Effect. These will continue to help you build persistent skills into your conversational hypnosis.

In the Law of Successive Approximations is used when you want to present a large concept or idea to someone who may seem overwhelming. It is similar in its purpose to the idea of seeding, just a different way to confront the issue of a large change.

The Law of Successive Approximation offers you the idea of breaking the big idea down into smaller pieces that will eventually equal a large result. Breaking down the information down makes it easier to swallow, an easier transition.

A good example of when to use the Law of Successive Approximation is if you wanted to induce a hallucination. This is a very big step for someone to take when they know logically that the hallucination, whatever it may be, is not really in front of them. By using the Law of Successive Approximation you will be giving them little pieces of the hallucination to picture one at a time.

As you build the different aspects of the hallucination; the smell of it, feel of it, the way it sounds. As you give the listener all these suggestions it will start to become real for them and when it is time to really induce the hallucination they will be more prepared to actually take a larger step and see what it is you have given them bit by bit.

There is a possibility in this process that you may lose your listener; if this happens and it will eventually you only need to backtrack as far as the last point of agreement. In this situation you would then create a new ‘yes set’ and build on that thought and behavior until the person is ready to move on to the next step.

This is very easy as you can create a constant pattern. This pattern would consist of taking a small step, step, lose listener, and go back to agreement, ‘yes set’ then move on to the next step. This is an easy pattern to follow as it will create a constant loop for you to travel on. The key is to be sure the listener is following your lead before moving on from the ‘yes set’.

The final Persistence Tactic is the Law of Compounding Effect; this is also very similar to the ‘yes set’. Each time you have your listener put a specific suggestion into action they will in turn become more suggestible. This compares to the ‘yes set’ in that each time your subject says yes to one thing they are more likely to say yes to the next statement. You are building a habit of agreement.

In the Law of Compounding Effect you continue to piggy back suggestions and the person continues to carry out those suggestions as they become more suggestible with each one. The more they carry on in this manner the more resistance is broken down and the more likely it is they will continue responding to your suggestions.

Over time the Law of Compounding Effect and the suggestions made with it will become a natural way to react to the ideas you place before your listener. This is another very powerful tactic in conversational hypnosis and one you will have the ability to use often as it accomplishes two things at once. It not only allows your suggestions to be carried out in thoughts and behaviors it also diminishes resistance.

These two Persistence Tactics when combined with the other persistence tactics and concepts we have learned will start to bring your knowledge together to create a smooth flow of suggesting behaviors and seeing those behaviors come to life in your subjects.

For more information please visit Click Here!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to Create Emotional Triggers in Hypnosis

Emotional Triggers are a key element in Conversational Hypnosis. These skills will help you to embed your suggestions is a pure clear state of mind. They will make change for the people around you easier and more efficient.

In order to create a new Emotional Trigger in a person there are skills and concepts you must learn to do first to be successful in implanting an Emotional Trigger. Before you start to practice the concepts in this article be sure to have the principal of 4 Stage Protocol mastered. The 4 Stage Protocol will help you to set the right environment to set a successful Emotional Trigger.

Aside from the 4 Stage Protocol you must also be able to understand and utilize the technique of ‘going first’. Both these concepts will help your subject to enter the clearest state of mind to whatever emotion you are trying to provoke. Once you have mastered these two skills and are well practiced at the other beginning skills you will have the ability to smoothly set successful Emotional Triggers.

When you have a listener and you are ready to set an Emotional Trigger in them you must first utilize the 4 Stage Protocol. If you will remember this is used to bypass the critical filter and keep the listener from analyzing your trigger. If you cannot use the 4 Stage Protocol then your attempts at setting triggers may likely go unsuccessfully for the simple fact that the conscious mind will be too involved to let the trigger in.

Your trigger may not even make it past the critical thinking of the person and be rejected before it is even set. Setting Emotional Triggers is an act that needs to happen when the conscious mind is not aware of what you are doing. This way it will take less time and effort to set a successful Emotional Trigger.

On the other hand it is possible to set a trigger when someone is consciously aware. The danger here is that it will activate the Law of Reversed Effect. The Law of Reversed Effect if you remember is the harder you try at a thing the more likely it is you will fail. The harder they are trying to consciously activate the state you are trying to trigger the more likely it is they will fail.

Another pitfall of setting triggers while the conscious awareness is checked in is that it will take more and more repetitions to set the trigger. The reason for this is you will have to work harder to bypass the critical filters as they will still be in place if the person is consciously aware.

So the first step in setting Emotional Triggers is to use the 4 Stage Protocol, the second step is to induce a State. This is done by actually giving direction to the person’s inner experiences; this will assist you in accessing hypnotic experiences.

Inducing a State is easiest done by asking questions that will be vivid enough to bring the experience back to life. There are other tools in your language that will help you with this. The main language skills you will want to use are detailed descriptions that bring a set of vivid pictures and feelings to the forefront of the listener’s mind.

By doing these detailed descriptions in vivid detail you will be triggering an already existing emotional trigger. This is a trigger that was previously developed through environmental experiences or because you created it purposefully in a previous session to trigger the state you are looking for.

Pre-existing triggers, whether created environmentally or by you, will be helpful in your job as a hypnotist especially when working with the same subject consistently. This happens because once a person is used to or recognizes your hypnotic tone or auditory shift to a hypnotic voice it will tend to trigger responses much quicker.

This shift to your hypnotic voice when working with your regular clients will help them in accessing hypnotic experiences.

This is why you must develop several different voices. Your speaking voice must have a different tonality than your normal speaking voice otherwise you could send people into trance at inappropriate times.

Think about if you were to always use your hypnotic tone with people who are conditioned to go into trance when they hear it. It can produce dangerous situations for you and your subjects. Hypnotic states should only be accessed when the person is in a situation where they are not consciously concentrating on any other thing.

At this point we should add that it is important to really polish your skills so that you are aware that you are only setting triggers and inducing hypnotic states when the outcome will have a positive effect. These should be used to bring to light positive changes in a person and because these triggers are set accidentally around you and possibly by you everyday it is important to become aware to only do it when the time is right.

The third step in creating Emotional Triggers is to intensify the State. This is pivotal; you must produce the cleanest, clearest and most pure state of mind possible in order to get the best result in setting your trigger. The stronger your subject’s state the easier it will be to not only set the trigger but also to activate that trigger to access the state again later.

Finally the fourth step in creating an Emotional Trigger is to associate the State to the Emotional Trigger. This is just as it states, you will be attaching the clean state of mind to the emotional trigger you want it associated with. After you accomplish this you will use the ABSAIL formula to link it all to an action that is carried out by the person you are working with.

After you have accessed a clear state of mind you will set your trigger, this is done simply by firing the trigger. Do whatever it is you want the trigger to be, if it is your voice use that voice. If you want the trigger to be a gesture or mannerism use that specific gesture or mannerism.

Remember that your tone of voice is important and will often work alone with those you have been in hypnosis with before. It is also important to remember that the trigger you set should be something you can use within the context of a normal conversation. This way it is easy for you to fire the trigger later with little to no extra effort.

It is important to also remember that setting and creating Emotional Triggers in people is a powerful action and will be one of the key elements in the basis of your hypnosis.

A quick review of the vast amount of information here is that you will set Emotional Triggers by accessing a pure state of mind. At the height of their emotional experience you will set off the trigger you have chosen, this attaches that state to that trigger meaning whenever you want to access that set of emotions in a person you will use that trigger to do so.

It may be possible that with some subjects you will need to repeat or condition the trigger, this is simply done through repetition. Always keep in mind that the more powerful the state is the easier the trigger will set.

After you have set your trigger you will want to test it to be sure it was set correctly and accessing the correct emotional state. This is done by breaking the state the person is currently in and re-firing the trigger, then observe. If the person re-enters the same state, meaning you see the signals that show you they have re-entered that state, your trigger was successfully set.

You will remember these signs from the Signal Recognitions System we reviewed earlier in these articles.

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Persistence Tactics in Hypnosis: How to Use the Hypnotic Triple & Seeding Ideas

Conversational hypnosis is a powerful practice that involves the use of tactics and principals that you will apply in order to influence those around you to live better lives. The tactics involved are many and cover a wide range of skills. As you start to put all these skills together you will begin to get a better vision of how they will all start to fit together for you in the art of hypnosis.

Persistence tactics are four of the tools you will learn to use with the other tactics, hypnotic language foundations, rapport skills and signal recognition systems. The four persistence tactics are the Hypnotic Triple, Seeding Hypnotic Ideas, Law of Successive Approximations and the Law of Compounding Effect. In this article we will be focusing of the Hypnotic Triple and Seeding Hypnotic Ideas.

In the words Persistence tactics alone we find the definition of those that are the most persistent are those who are most likely to succeed at a thing. The law of the mind that those that are the most persistent have the things they are persistent with will be deeply ingrained in them and create the biggest changes. This is key as these are two of the persistence tactics that will help to make you most successful.

Persistence will help you to create a set of ideas that will become very powerful when set into a person. Persistence eats away at the resistance wall built by people and helps to break it down so they may be open to new ideas, beliefs and ways of life. In your job as a hypnotist you will have the ability to work persistence tactics into any conversation; this alone will cause a greater power behind your suggestions and influences.

The first of the two tactics we will be focusing on here is the Hypnotic Triple. This is the idea that when you present an idea to a person you will want to produce a triple effect. Using this causes you to use repetition with your words and language, it will layer the information within a persons mind to make a powerful repetition of the idea you are striving to get across.

Repetition is one of the best ways to get a person to really absorb and remember an idea; in this the unconscious soaks it in and creates a foundation for that idea. Repetition also produces positive reinforcement and that in turn creates reality, the more it is used the more real the idea becomes for the listener.

In the Hypnotic Triple you will put the information to your listener piece by piece and layer by layer. You will want to make your statements smooth and elegant and use language that is believable. If your language is not convincing then your suggestion will not get through to your listener, if it does not get through then there will be no recall of the information.

The most important part of the Hypnotic Triple is that you are creating a triple or repetitive effect. Constantly use the words or a specific word you want your listener to put into action as a part of your suggestion. When this is done smoothly, and in a way that is believable your purpose will get through.

The second Persistence Tactic that we will discuss is the Seeding of Hypnotic Ideas. Seeding is a subtle and powerful way to get your suggestions and ideas in without your listener knowing you have even slipped them past their conscious mind.

Seeding has a sneaky effect; the idea is to casually drop the ideas one by one over a period of time. After each idea is dropped to your listener you will nurture it with other details that will help it grow into a full grown idea of their own. Master hypnotist Milton Erickson was very successful with this tactic in his therapies.

He would plant the idea in the mind and then keep replanting it repeatedly until the person is ready for the full on question, suggestion or idea to brought to them. If this is done right then down the road after careful nurture of the thoughts and ideas you are planting your subject will be prepared for you to bring the idea to them in a statement. It will no longer be overwhelming to them because the little pieces you have put in their mind have been in there preparing them unconsciously.

Seeding is a useful tactic, especially when you have a change or idea that is shocking or overwhelming. In this tactic you can present the information to the person a little at a time in a way that is less overwhelming to them by casually mentioning it over time, time after time. This is easier to accept because with Seeding you have created a foundation to set the final thought on that will be strong enough to hold it.

So in these to Persistence Tactics you are learning to use repetition in both; one very consciously and the other quite the opposite. As you practice these tactics you will see that both have a very powerful effect as they must to have been top choices by Milton Erickson.

For more information please visit Click Here!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Agreement Tactics in Hypnosis: How to Use Plausibility & the Agreement Habit to Boost the Impact of You Hypnotic Suggestions

Agreement tactics in conversational hypnosis are very functional. You will learn to use these for two different reasons. The first reason to use agreement tactics is to put the critical factor in your subjects mind to sleep.

The critical factor which tells people whether or not something is believable needs to be turned off in order to induce a good trance and to make suggestions that will hold true when the person is not under hypnosis.

This is the second reason you will use agreement tactics. Once the critical factor is turned off you will want your suggestions to seem realistic, agreement tactics do just that. They get the listener in the habit of agreeing with you and lend you the authority in their altered state of mind.

The agreement tactics, and there are four of them, build an agreement factor in the listener’s mind. They will help you to open up the side of the mind that likes to agree and make them want to agree with what you are saying.

The four agreement tactics include plausibility, the agreement habit, ‘yes sets’ and piggy backing suggestions. In this article we will look at the plausibility tactic and the agreement habit tactic. We will begin to explore how and why these will add impact to your suggestions when a person is under hypnosis.

The first agreement tactic of Plausibility is the idea of getting a person to agree with what you are saying repeatedly so eventually you can introduce an idea that may not be considered a truth. As long as it is a plausible statement they will agree with it because they are already in the habit of agreeing with you.

Agreement at this point is easier because you have put critical factor to sleep and there is no analysis of the idea you are presenting. This in turn allows the listener to keep with the general flow of the conversation without interrupting it to disagree.

The goal here is to have the critical factor turned off as much as possible. The more the critical factor is on the more plausible your statements must be. The more it is off the more implausible your statements can be. When a person is in a full state of trance the plausibility of a statement is no longer required, plausibility can be nonexistent and the subject will still take your statement for truth.

You can utilize your signal recognition skills here to see how much of your listeners critical factor is in place. Always keep in mind that your listener may seem to be totally awake, but this does not mean their critical factor is awake.

The second agreement tactic that we will be looking at is the Agreement Habit. Agreement habit is essentially based on the concept of ‘going first’. If you remember ‘going first’ is when you create a reality that you immerse yourself in first and then lead your listener through it.

In the Agreement Habit tactic you want to be able to set up a pace and have your listener follow along, agreeing all the way. This sets a pattern inside the head to agree, causing your listener to agree even when they may not agree with the entire statement.

Part of the Agreement Habit is the Agreement Habit Principal which has everything to do with positive reinforcement. What you put into something will help it to flourish and grow. Now this works the same for both positive effects and negative effects. When you reinforce a positive behavior or thought it will grow just as much as if you give attention to a negative behavior or thought which can be counterproductive for your purposes as a hypnotist.

In the agreement habit you will want to provide a response to the positive things and avoid responding to the negative. When you agree with ideas or statements respond with a verbal ‘yes’, nodding your head or even a smile. When you disagree with an idea or statement do absolutely nothing, give it no response at all.

The act of response to the positive things will foster positive reinforcement and cause your subject to make more positive statements than negative ones. People like to get responses, whether they are positive or negative, so by only reacting to the positive thoughts you are greatly improving your agreement with the other person.

Another reason to respond to positive aspects of thoughts and ideas is the Access State Principal. In this principal the idea is that changing moods changes what information within the mind you have access to, as well as influencing the behaviors you exhibit.

When you change your mood to a positive mood you will access more positive thoughts and behaviors. Again everyone craves reactions and by altering you mood to receive the reaction that is favorable you will be advancing in the art of hypnosis.

Agreement habit and positive reinforcement when used correctly will casually leave behind the negative behaviors or things you do not respond to. These are all extremely powerful ways to induce agreement and keep it going. In this they are consciously registering the agreement and not the disagreement.

There is so much that the agreement habit can do that it is hard to keep it all in your head as you read this. So to review agreement habit unconsciously presents the information you agree with, puts the critical factor out of commission, and sets a pattern of agreement that your listener can easily follow.

Plausibility and agreement habit are powerful tactics that you should perfect in order to become a great hypnotist. You should examine how, when and know why to use them. They assist in the beginnings of bringing out the objectives you have as a hypnotist.

For more information please visit Click Here!

How Schizophrenics Can Help Your Hypnosis: Binds and Double Binds

The art of Conversational Hypnosis is much about language; the ways you use the language, when to use certain skills and how to apply those skills. All of these factors are important to learning how to have a smooth interaction and insert undetected and agreeable suggestions into the mind of your clients.

Stealth Tactics are a way of doing just this. These tactics are used for distracting critical factor or overwhelming it to the point that the suggestion goes in undetected. The stealth tactics you learn here will eventually be combined with all the other language concepts to create a larger picture of how everything works together smoothly to create better lives for everyone.

The final Stealth Tactic you are going to learn is called Binds and Double Binds. The Bind and Double Bind come from a line of thought called the Double Bind Theory of Schizophrenia. This was a theory that came from a famous Anthropologist in the 1970’s named Gregory Bateson.

Bateson investigated the cause of schizophrenia in our society and came up with the Double Bind Theory of Schizophrenia. This theory came to the conclusion that schizophrenia was a way that children developed to cope when presented impossible decisions by their parents. An example would be a parent that beats their child and explains it by saying the violence is just a way I show I love you.

The child is presented with an impossible choice that of a desire to be loved by their parent versus the desire to avoid violence. The study concluded that this impossible choice caused schizophrenic conditions in children presented with these choices.

So the question comes, how will schizophrenia help you in your hypnosis? The answer is the creation of binds and double binds. As we have just set out a bind is giving someone a choice that doesn’t actually exist, it is an impossible set of choices to choose from. These of course can create some rather unpleasant experiences if you do not proceed correctly with this concept.

Although you are creating the illusion of choice you are not really giving the person you are conversing with a real choice. When you learn to do binds correctly you will make your listener feel empowered by the fact that there is a choice and still be acquiring the information or lack of resistance you initially wanted. This is a way of redirecting resistance in you are giving a choice that implies the very thing you want but gives them a choice about the thing you want. Either way you are getting what you want, it really doesn’t matter which option they end up choosing.

Now in a double bind you will use the word “or” to create the actual double bind. Let’s take the example that you are a jewelry sales person and you say to a customer, “Would you like your diamond set in gold OR silver?” In this double bind you are giving the customer a choice but you are still implying that the customer will be buying the diamond.

It is important that you are aware of the word “or” so you can consciously create double binds as well as notice when they are being used on you. If you recognize when someone is using a double bind on you, once you recognize it there is a way out. If you decide not to accept the bind or double bind on any level you will be denying it and creating a new freedom for yourself.

Now double binds are very common and at times it is not negative to fall into one. Regardless of whether you are deciding to accept or deny the double binds you hear daily you can still maintain awareness for them. Remember that a double bind is an illustration of choice, usually using the word or to separate the options.

Within this Stealth Tactic there is a Special Tactic included called Conscious-Unconscious Double Binds. This is merely a way of using double binds hypnotically. In this concept you will be able to allow some aspects of the subject’s behavior to be controlled consciously and others unconsciously. No matter which way it goes, which behaviors are being consciously and unconsciously controlled the behavior is still being implied.

Within this same concept of Conscious-Unconscious Double Binds it is important to understand that you can do things two different ways. We can all do things two different ways, those are unconsciously or consciously. You can read the words on this paper focus on them and think about them or you can read them and daydream about what it would be like to put them into action.

In understanding binds and double binds it is important to recognize the conscious and unconscious minds and how they work. As hypnotists we work with the conscious and unconscious minds on a regular and consistent basis, however defining these is difficult.

Now the trouble here is no one really knows how the human mind works. There is no philosopher or psychological researchers who have been able to define the human mind in concrete terms. There are so many ways to interpret the word mind that giving it a definition is extremely difficult.

Although no one can accurately and concretely say what actually happens inside our heads we know from life experience that certain results come from certain effects. As to why the results are what they are can only be theorized about but we know that trauma causes pain, denial and other defense mechanisms.

As hypnotists it is important for you to have an understanding of the conscious and unconscious minds.

A simple way to describe the process of the mind we know are that consciousness is the type of awareness you can focus on. It is known that the conscious mind can hold up to 5-9 ideas, experiences or thought processes at one time. The conscious mind is also responsible for making choices and plans.

The unconscious mind however is responsible for a huge amount of tasks. It holds all our memories, experiences, insights, habits and wisdoms that we have built up over the span of our lives.

We have discovered that it is safe to say that everything that happens within our minds and bodies are unconscious or semi-unconscious events. Our unconscious is the master controller but will also take commands from the conscious mind. The instructions that the unconscious will take from the conscious must be presented in the right way in order for it to stick; this is the art of suggestion. We either made suggestions to ourselves or others make suggestions to us.

As a hypnotist you can disguise those suggestions with Stealth Tactics, and one of those is the bind and the double bind we have discussed here.

For more information please visit Click Here!

Monday, May 16, 2011

How Emotional Triggers Can Boost the Impact of Your Hypnosis

Emotional Triggers are a very powerful part of what you will be doing as a hypnotist. They are an unconscious response that is triggered within the body to develop a physical or emotional behavior. As a hypnotist you will want to be able to imbed these triggers in your subjects so you will have the ability to produce behaviors in them that will lead to the positive outcomes set in your goals.

Emotional triggers were discovered at the turn of the century, sometime between 1901 and 1902. A Russian researcher named Ivan Pavlov is credited with the discovery of unconscious responses, which are in essence an emotional trigger. In his experiment known to us now as Pavlov’s Dogs emotional triggers were presented to the world.

In this experiment Pavlov would ring a bell directly before sending food to them through a shoot. The dogs developed an emotional trigger in a short period of time. The dogs began to associate the ringing of the bell with the expectation of food. After a while just the sound of the bell would cause the dogs to salivate.

This was a profound discovery in that it astounded people to actually be able to see such an unconscious event controlled by the nervous system to take place on cue. Salivation is a bodily function that can be consciously controlled. It is an automatic nervous system function that was being triggered due to the ringing of a bell. It was a very graphic example of emotional triggering and one that is still talked about in history today.

Before Pavlov and his dogs were recognized for this discovery of unconscious responses or emotional triggers there was an American doctor by the name of William Twitmeyer who is considered the unsung hero of discovery in unconscious responses. William Twitmeyer discovered the Knee-jerk reflex.

The knee-jerk reflex is when you firmly tap the soft part of the knee cap to extract a reflex in which the leg jumps and straightens out. Twitmeyer also realized in his discovery that after around 50 to 100 times of repeating the process just holding the hammer in a position that suggested he was about to tap the knee the person’s leg would automatically jump and straighten out.

This accidental and unconscious response was the first discovery of unconscious responses and emotional trigger. It is also a very powerful example of an unconscious trigger that was either intentionally or unintentionally implanted in the patient.

This research by both Twitmeyer and Pavlov shows us today that there is a truth in the conditioning of unconscious responses and emotional triggers. These are referred to as post hypnotic suggestions.

Post hypnotic triggers are emotional triggers that can be set by a hypnotist within another individual to create a specific reaction. Many times these triggers are created by environments and sometimes they are created unintentionally by other people. No matter how they come about they are there and they can be created by you.

Emotional triggers that are created by our environments naturally occur on a daily basis. This can be something as simple as hearing a song that brings back specific memories of a time in your life. Any time you hear that particular song you are instantly taken back to a certain memory or set of memories. When this happens you are reliving the memory as you think of the events and feelings it brings to mind.

Some very common examples of naturally occurring emotional triggers are songs, the smell of perfume or cologne, smell of cookies baking, pictures, phrases or even the voice of someone familiar.

One of the most common examples of an emotional trigger is in advertising. The advertisements we see everyday utilize this principal by way of packaging. They access the unconscious response through the recognition of boxes in the advertisements, when we see those boxes or packages on the shelves of the supermarket we instantly recognize them. The package seems to stand out from the others surrounding it.

This is just one example of the many unconscious responses and emotional triggers that are common to us everyday. It is your job as a hypnotist to learn how to recognize and develop this skill for yourself so you too can create these emotional triggers in the people around you.

In order to do this you must learn to create your own hypnotic triggers that will access emotional states from the people you are helping. Triggering people into an emotional state is a powerful technique to learn. It will give you the ability to obtain certain behaviors or thoughts put into action from the people around you.

In learning how to implant an emotional trigger in your subjects you must take certain specific steps to ensure you are doing it correctly. The first of those steps is to follow the 4 Stage Protocol. In the 4 Stage Protocol you will absorb the attention, bypass the critical thinking, activate an unconscious response and be rewarded with a desired behavior or thought pattern.

After you have successfully done this you will have set the scene for creating an emotional trigger later on. Before you can actually set the emotional trigger there are conditions that you must be aware of in order to be skilled in this area.

The first condition you must we aware of is that you must have access to a clear state of mind. Without this you will have difficulties in the future accessing the exact strong state of mind you were originally seeking. If you want your listener to relax you must access it fully, there is no room for mixed states of mind here. Whatever state of mind you have access to when you set your trigger will be the state of mind that is presented once your trigger is fired.

After you have successfully done this you will want to continue with the next condition. This is to set the trigger. The trigger you are setting can be anything you can work in to a casual conversation.

It can be a word, gesture, smell taste, touch or sound. However it is good to know that while you can use any of these the easiest to work with are the touch, sound and sight triggers. Examples of these are simple. Do something they can see you do, hear you do or feel you do physically. Once you have decided on a trigger you set the trigger simply by doing it.

After you have set the trigger you will want to condition it through repetitive actions. This is the third condition for setting an emotional trigger.

The final step and one of the most important is to test the trigger. You can do this by simply breaking the concentration with a distraction. It doesn’t matter how you do this as long as you leave them with a clear state of mind. This is important because once they are in a clear state of mind you will set off your trigger once again and then watch to see if it has taken effect.

When you fire the trigger and the previous emotional state returns you will know you have accomplished this short term goal of setting an emotional trigger. If the state does not return you simply need to start over from the beginning and try again. Keep in mind this is a very powerful technique of accessing states of mind and should be done with caution.

For more information please visit Click Here!

The Secret of Master Hypnotists Revealed: The Yes Set & Piggy Back Principal

It is important to realize that agreement tactics are very useful in conversational hypnosis, this is mainly because they bypass the critical factor and get the person to start to see things your way.

If the critical factor is not bypassed or put to sleep then the resistance of your subject will be in place and your suggestions will not make it through. Once you use the agreement tactics to get past the critical factor it will open the doors of suggestion. You will be able to present information, ideas, thoughts and suggestions to your subject that will seem completely plausible to them in their altered state of mind.

The first of the 4 Agreement Tactics is Plausibility, which is stated as when a person is in the habit of agreeing with you then the next statement doesn’t have to be one they would find as true as your last statements. Plausibility works on a sliding scale depending on the depth of trance a person is experiencing.

The second Agreement Tactic is the Agreement Habit. The Agreement Habit is based on ‘going first’. This is to immerse yourself in an idea before you invite your subject in so the experience is real for them. This is important for the Agreement Habit as it is to get someone in the habit of agreeing with you. You cannot do this fully if they do not believe you agree with the thoughts you are presenting to them yourself.

The third and fourth Agreement Tactics are brought to us by a master hypnotist Milton Erickson as he used these often in his hypnosis. The ‘Yes Set’ and Piggy Backing of Suggestion were among Erickson’s favored techniques.

The third of the Agreement Tactics, which is the ‘Yes Set’, is very useful in getting agreement from your subject’s. In a ‘Yes Set’ you will begin with statements that are true so you are activating the part of the brain that enjoys agreeing. Once you have gotten a person to start to agree with you it is likely that they will continue.

The ‘Yes Set’ can be demonstrated in three different ways. The first way to use a ‘yes set’ is to repeat what the person is saying to you. This is exactly as it sounds, use what the person has said to you by repeating it back to them so they agree that that is what they said or meant. This is accomplishing the goal of the ‘yes set’ by activating the agreement part of the brain.

The second way to put a ‘Yes Set’ into action is to state the obvious facts. Use in your conversation statements that are verifiable facts. If there is no question that what you are saying is a fact then you will again activate the yes neurology in the subject’s brain causing agreement.

The third and final way to produce a ‘Yes Set’ is to make truisms. Truisms are sayings that a culture has conditioned its inhabitants to believe as unmistakably true. The statements are a way that people view the world or a part of the world. These statements will largely be found true by almost all people you speak to.

The three different types of ‘Yes Sets’ are used very often in conversational hypnosis. This is partly because they are ideas that you can work into a conversation, they cause agreement and they can be manipulated to fit almost any context you may be working with your subject in.

The fourth Agreement Tactic is the Piggy Back Principal. This is the idea of attaching suggestions to other statements or ideas that are already going out to your listener. This is a very popular and successful way to get suggestions into the minds of your subjects.

This is done by first getting your listener into agreement with you, this can be done through compliments, yes sets, following along with their thoughts and repeating back. You goal here is to create an environment they are willing to accept, and then you add a suggestion to it. Compliment them on the great job they have been doing and then add how they can improve on it.

This works because as humans we are always willing to accept praise and agreement. And the fact is if you are accepting one part of the statement you must be accepting the whole statement on some unconscious level. Now that they have unknowingly accepted your suggestion they will at some point bring it into their behaviors, thoughts or actions.

The best part about this agreement tactic is the more you do it the stronger and more powerful your suggestion becomes. You can piggy back as many facts and suggestions as you want as long as you keep the meanings clear so as not to confuse your subject.

You can also piggy back suggestions onto yes sets. This is done simply by stating a single or series of verifiable facts and then adding a suggestion on to the end of the last statement. An example of this would be, “When you get out of the car, lock the doors.” This works because you will inevitably get out of the car at some point and because the mind accepts this as true you will be more likely to now lock the doors as well.

The third way you can piggy back suggestions is to present feedback to your subject that will have them accept it, this should be done in a smooth and elegant manner of speaking. This utilizes positive reinforcement by first creating a yes set, then adding a compliment and then attaching a suggestion to the end.

This way of piggy backing is successful because we all enjoy and accept compliments. Compliments in this sample are somewhat of a sugar coating for the suggestion; you cannot accept the compliment without also accepting the suggestion. Compliments also tend to extract positive behaviors from us and make us more agreeable and accepting anyway.

The Agreement Tactics of the Yes Set and Piggy Backing Suggestions are very important and useful in conversational hypnosis. They were among the top choices of the master hypnotist Milton Erickson. He brought us the perfected art of these two Agreement Tactics and used them often in his hypnosis practice as you should consider doing in yours.

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